How to write a Renewal Letter? Renewal meaning, types of renewal letter format for sample examples


Renewal means resuming once or to start again after a break.

Renewal letter is an official letter is the action of making an agreement continue for an extended period of time or validity after it has come to an end or the act of renewing is also called continuation or repetition of a license, contract, subscription or a membership etc The Renewal letter is the continuation of the relationship in-force status by the payment of a premium or dues against the same.  It is legal and valid document and both the parties are bound to follow the terms and condition listed in this letter.

When is a Renewal Letter written?

It could be a letter or an official document restarting an activity or proposing to restart it like employment, an order, a lease, a contract, subscription, license, a loan, a bank account, a credit card or insurance for a further period of time among st others. It is a confirmation of restart of any activity or association after a break or gap due to several reasons like maternity leave, lapse of subscription, extension of loan tenure, expiry of credit card or license or the maturity of a policy.

Why Need a Renewal Letter?

It is an acknowledgement of the interest to restart a particular activity and also confirms that discussions have been conducted around the same interest. It is also a proof of these discussions and may state the term of restarting the activity. It is a confirmation of the mutual agreement to continue the association for a further period of time.

How to write a Renewal Letter?

This is dependably a formal letter and should utilize the right titles, references, revise subtle elements and assignments included. The real letter ought to be exact, brief, non-dull.

The letter states the names of the intended recipient at the top and the name of the sender entering into the agreement to restart the activity or association at the end of the letter. Always use Mr./Ms/Mrs. with the last name (Example Mr. Singh/Mrs. Iyer/Ms. Singhania Not Mr.Anil/Mrs.Anita/Ms.Vimla)

The date (actual or tentative) and the place or addresses the parties involved. The subject of the letter should point at the matter of the letter in short. Use Dear or Respected to address the recipient.

Terms and states of the length of the reestablishment ought to be specified alongside purposes behind demand or restoration a portion of the great perceptions from the past residency. The start and end date of the renewal and the benefits are also mentioned. It may also contain a proposal or a request rather than the actual terms which can be taken to conclusion later. The letter also contains the reference number to an earlier correspondence and the mention of the new reference number.

It will also contain the actual or a digital signature of the sender be it an individual or company at the end of the letter.

A copy of the letter is always made the sender gets it confirmed and signed by the recipient and retains a copy of the letter as proof.

Benefits of a Renewal Letter

These letters are printed proofs of the continuity of association and hold true legally. They record information and store them for future reference. Since a renewal is a restart it could also state the ending of a previous agreement.

A renewal letter has the same objective and the reasons and the specific details may change depending on the subject. This letter is a continuation document and is very important proof that there was and will be a restart to an activity or a partnership.

Type of Renewal letter covered

  1. Renewal of Agreement

  2. Renewal of License

  3. Renewal of Contract

  4. Renewal of Employment

  5. Renewal of Insurance Policy

  6. Renewal of Passport

Renewal Letter Format Sample :

Here are some very good, free, downloadable templates for some very often seen situations.