Experience letter is a formal letter and is a written or printed information on company’s letterhead about employment confirmation. The experience letter format must include Name, position, period, salary and benefits signed by a concerned manager to confirm the employment with the organization. The letter is issued by the employer on company’s letter head and can be used for many purposes and can be send to anyone to show the employment history
A work experience certificate letter is a letter issued to an employee. The formal letter issued by the Human Resource Department confirm the time period the employee was associated with the company. The experience certificate also certifies the skills and work habits of an employee. It is one of the imperative exit documents that the employee needs at the time of leaving the organization. Employee needs this letter to verify his previous employment. Hence, HR department should make it with utmost care.
Experience certificate is an official document to certify employment with a company/organization and says that the person is employed or has been employed with the company and the will certify employee name and his/her details such as father’s name, residence address, employee id etc. it further, certify the employment period, last designation and also the pay package of the employee. The experience certificate means whatever mentioned is true or correct
Experience Certificate or work experience letter is issued by the company in which a person has worked. The experience certificate certifies all the skills or knowledge the person has acquired. This is one of the valuable documents for a person for his career growth and future opportunities.
A right format is always the key in letter writing to make a correct and impressive experience certificate. The following points must be included to create a right format of experience certificate. It is obvious that it should be in a polite language and must contain the following key points:
Must be on Company’s Letterhead
Date of issue of the certificate
Salutation or Declaration “To Whomsoever it May Concern”
Full Name of the Employee as per the official Record.
Period of Employment (Date of Joining and the last day of working in the organization)
Designation or position
Description of Performance
Best wishes at the end
Signed by the Director / HOD / Manager / HR Department Head / Authorized Signatory
Should have Company’s Seal or Stamp
The employee experience certificate is very important to identify the past years of experience and expertise of an employee in his/her last organization. It acts as a proof for you that you were employed by an organization in a certain position for a certain period of time.
It is especially important for the new employees who are considering switching their career direction, and it helps to update the details on your application. The certificate has information such as the name of the company, the date of hire, job description, and the job duties and responsibilities. An employee experience certificate has an electronic signature which is beneficial because it is difficult to forge without the signature
Experience certificate proves and authenticates that the Job Applicant truly holds a valid experience with the company which he or she has mentioned in his Curriculum Vitae (CV). Experience certificate is a very important document for Recruitment at the time of hiring a candidate on board in an organization.
Experience certificate letter certifies that the person has worked in the organization and has performed all the duties and responsibilities assigned to him/her. Experience certificate may also include the major or satisfactory contribution in the organization also the identified strength. There is no mandatory format of experience letter to be followed. Every organization can have their different format. But a general content that should be included in the experience letter is given below:
Use Company letter head with name of the organization should be at the top of the letter. Organization details such as company address, telephone number, email id, website address and Company Registration number should also be there in the letterhead.
Name of the employee with his/her address: HR should make sure that the name of the employee is put right on the document. If there is any name mistake, then employees may face problems in the documentation approval in their next company.
Date: Make sure that there is a date of preparing the document.
Details of the employment: position, tenure and details of the responsibility carried out by the employment. Many organizations miss out on these important details. But they need to understand that it is important to include all the employment details in the experience letter for the record of the employee.
Closing statement: This closing statement should be formal as well as polite. It can contain a good luck sentence for the employee’s future. This sentence can really make a difference in the employee selection chances in another company.
If we dig deep into what is the difference between an experience certificate and an experience letter, then you should know that there is not much difference. Because an experience certificate is in the form of a certificate and an experience letter is given in the form of a letter.
Letterhead of the Company Certificate of Experience To whom it may concern
This is to certify that Mr/Ms_______ S/o ___________ R/o ___________was employed at > Company name< as>Designation< from>Starting Date< to>End date<. He/ she successfully completed the tenure with excellent performance.
We wish best of luck for future. Regards, Authorized signature Signature with company’s seal
Date: Place: |
Company’s Letterhead Dated (______________) To; Employee Name Employee ID ( if any) Complete Address (as per record) City, PIN State, Country To whomsoever It May Concern This letter is to certify that Ajay Singhal has worked in our organization as (mention the designation). He had started working here on dated (______) and worked till dated(_________). He had served the company for about one year. Until the day he joined, he had been quite responsible. To date, he has accumulated a diverse set of talents and job experiences. His mind-blowing abilities include: Team Work, Managerial Skills and Analytical Skills. Aside from his love and dedication, he had always been a decent and kind man who kept good relationships with everyone. We are really fortunate to have such a giving individual among us. We wish him all the luck for his future endeavors.
Authorized Signatory Signature with company’s seal |
In a relieving letter, the HR department confirms to the employee that the company accepts the resignation letter and notes the last day of employment, on the other hand, an experience certificate is a letter that states that the holder of the letter has worked for a specific organization/company for a specific period of time.
It is issued to employees by their employers and is required by employers when they offer new employment as verification of previous work experience.
The employer issues this letter to an employee on the final working day of the month or following receipt of a request for the same. This paper should be printed on the firm letterhead where the person previously worked. It must be signed by the company's authorized representative, which is the HR manager.
The work experience certificate letter is a formal and official letter written on the Company’s Letter head and must be issued and given by the employer to their employee at the time of relieving an employee. In case if an employee resigns from the services, he can request for Experience Certificate and relieving letter from his employer or his manager.
Experience letter is used by the employer, when they recruit any employee.
Experience letter is used as a record by the HR department as an evidence of the employee’s previous experience.
Experience letter is also asked from an employee before he/she joins the company to see whether the exit interview and its procedure was smooth or not. If due to some reason the employee has not got the experience letter, HR needs to dig deep into the reason of “why”
Experience letter also works as a supporting document to justify what the employee is saying about the previous employment.
Experience Letter is used to know about the role and position of the employee in the previous company.
(sent by previous employer to verify employment)
Use Company Letterhead Name Address City Phone number: Mail: Date: dd/mm/year Dear employer, This is to inform you that >Employee’s name< was>Designation< in>company Name< from>starting date< to>last date<. He/she had given >number of years< of> He is a dedicated worker. He carried out all of his obligations and responsibilities in a dignified manner. He is constantly up for new challenges, and he has delivered great outcomes in the majority of his projects. His actions are responsible for our company's major accolades. He is constantly eager to acquire new talents and swiftly apply them. We wish him the best of luck for his future. Sincerely, XYZ Company
Authorized Signatory Signature with company’s seal |
For an employee, all the documents from the day first are important, whether it is an offer letter / letter of intent or whether it is an exit document like an experience letter and relieving letter. Thus, the HRM Department has the responsibility to provide all the necessary documents to the employee.
The information about the experience letter in this article will help the employee, company and the HR department to know about how to prepare experience certificate and what all points to keep in mind while making this kind of letter.
Know more about various : Ways to write Address Proof Letter
Dated ________
Name of the Employee:
To Whomsoever It May Concern
This is to certify that employee (name of the employee) has worked with the company (name of the company) for a period of one year starting from (mention date) as designation (mention designation).
During the period of his/her work with the company, we found the employee sincere, hardworking and responsible in his/her duties and tasks assigned.
We wish the employee good luck and success in his/her future endeavors.
Manager Name & Designation
Company's Stamp
About this Sample Format: Here is a teacher was teaching science in the school has resigned from his or her post. The teacher is issued an experience certificate by the principal. This letter has to be issued upon request of outgoing Teacher / Employee. This letter is an official letter and hence must be written on letterhead certifying person’s work experience, duration and position and at the end, wishing for his /her better career ahead. This Sample letter format should be treated as example only.
Company Letterhead / School Letterhead
Date :_______
Name of the Teacher
Employee Code :
To Whomsoever It May Concern:
This is to certify that (teacher name) has been a part of our school and taught science for three years starting from (mention date) till (mention the date). During this tenure he/she has shown commendable skills in teaching.
Mr. / Ms. (Teacher Name) has been a wonderful teacher in our school who not only focused on teaching but also had created a special place for the students as well. We are very proud to have such a dedicated teacher with us. We wish him/her all the best and success in future endeavors.
Principal ( Name & Designation)
School Name
About this sample Template: In this Sample, an employer has issued a work experience certificate letter to his / her so called ex-employee who has been working for the last 3 years as a sales executive for the organization. This letter can only be issued by the employer upon the request of his/ her outgoing employee which is also a part of exit process. This letter must be written on company letterhead certifying person’s work experience, duration and position within the company and at the end, wishing for his /her better career ahead. This letter template should be treated as example only.
Dated ________
Name of the Employee
To Whomsoever It May Concern:
This is to certify that (employee name) has been a part of our organization (name) in sales and marketing department as a sales executive for a period of two years, starting from (mentioned the date) till (Mention the date). His / her responsibilities included leading the sales team in order to achieve sales targets from the given territory. During this tenure he/she has shown commendable skills and commitment to achieve the goal.
The employee (name) was a great employee in our company. We are very proud to have such a dedicated employee. We wish him/her all the best and success in future endeavors.
Name of Signing Authority
Company Seal
(Organization Letter Business Letterhead to be used)
Date: ___________
This is certify that Mr/Mrs (name of the employee) worked with our organization (name of the organization). He/She was a permanent full time employee in our organization. He was posted in our office from________to present.
We found Mr/Mrs very dedicated to the work assigned. He/She was result oriented, professional and sincere. He carries excellent interpersonal skill andknowledge which helped completing lot of valuable business assignments. He is a true teamplayer and fun loving individual and mix-up well with his seniors and his junior as well.
We wish him all the best for future ventures. Please feel free to contact us for any other information required.
Manager Name & Designation
Company's Stamp
Date: _________
This is to certify that Mr/Ms____________S/o________ worked in our organization___________as an assistant manager from date______ to present.
He/she was very hardworking employee. He/she was sincere in all duties. We wish him/her all the very best for future.
Feel free to contact us for further information.
Personnel Manager______
Place: ______
Dated: _______
Sign, Stamp
Date: ______
This is to certify that Mr____________ worked in our organization____________ from________ to_________.
During his tenure we found him hardworking and sincere. He fulfilled all the work responsibilities on time. We wish him good luck for his future endeavors.
With Regards,
Manager Name
Organization Name
Sign, Date & Stamp
Date ________
This is to certify that name of the person___________was associated with our company_________ as manager from the month__________ to present.
Due to relocation of our company the candidate cannot continue his association with us.
The work was commendable during the tenure of the candidate.We wish him all the best for all future assignments.
Organization Name
Dated ________
This is to Certify that Mr. /Ms. __________, worked in our organization _________ as designation _____________in our _________ Department at ________from __________.
She/he has done a great job during his tenure. He/she was a friendly person with good humour. She/he has always been on time and was very professional.
We thank him/her for his/her contribution and wish him /her success in his/her future endeavors
For XYZ Co
Manager HR
Date: __________
This is to certify that mr xyz is working in our organization from date__________________to present.
He/she was very sincere during her tenure in our organization. Her/his responsibility was interacting with clients.and providing information regarding steel products. She/he has done a great job.
She/he has been very professional during the tenure here. We wish him all the best in future endeavors.
Organization Name
Dated ________
Name of the person
Address ______________
To Whomsoever It May Concern:
This is to certify that Mr. Ms.____________ is employed in our company (Company´s Name) since (date) ____________ up to present. He / She has requested this experience letter.
Mr. Ms.____________ was a great employee in our company. We were very proud of him/her. For further inquiry and verification, feel free to contact our office. I have given all of our contact numbers and email ids so you can contact us in any way you are comfortable with.
Thank you very much.
Sincerely Yours,
Name of the person