An Appointment Letter also known as Employment offer Letter or Job Appointment Letter is a Legal and official Document issued by an Organization to a qualified and Selected candidate to offer a job and employment.
Qualified Candidate means a candidate or a job applicant who has applied for the job in the organization, has qualified from all the rounds of interviews, and has finally been selected by the Management to offer a job to work within the organization. As it is an official letter therefore the appointment letter format should be formal and must be on the company’s letterhead. For quick and ready reference, we have added some ready-made appointment letter format Word doc PDF as sample templates which are free to download for quick use and learning.
Usually, a letter of appointment is issued to the candidate before his/her joining so that the candidate can thoroughly review all aspects of the job offering and all other terms and conditions. The candidate can also tender his/her consent via an Acceptance Letter in reply by signing a duplicate copy of the Appointment Letter and submitting it back to the employer as a token of acceptance for record and reference.
Issuing an appointment letter is one of the most important exercises of recruitment & selection. Here the role of HR is to create the right Appointment Letter Format which must include full disclosure of all employment clauses and other terms and conditions offered by the employer’s side so that the candidate can convey his / her joining date by accepting all terms and conditions. The following points should be covered in an ideal appointment letter format:
To learn more about the right appointment letter format, please go through the appointment letter format Word sample template which will help you learn how to write a better appointment letter.
Before we proceed it is worth mentioning that the term appointment letter can have two different implications. When people speak of an appointment letter they refer to an appointment letter issued from a company to its new employee, confirming the employment. But an appointment letter may also mean a letter written requesting an appointment for a specific meeting. For example, while applying for a visa an individual will write a letter of appointment requesting to schedule the visa appointment. The appointment letter sample below will help clarify the difference.
Now back to the letter of appointment. After all the formalities of the recruitment process have been completed and verified, and if the candidate is selected, the company will issue an offer letter before releasing the appointment letter for the job.
If you find yourself in the position of having to write a letter of appointment for someone here are a couple of things to remember.
Open on a congratulatory note and end with a warm welcome, but make sure the body of the letter contains the exact details of the offer. Remember to mention essential information, like job title, start date, start time, office location, salary, and the name of the immediate superior. If the company requires background checks for new employees, before employment, make sure that this is stated clearly in the letter. It would be a good idea to let your legal team have a glance at the letter before you send it to the candidate.
Find below 20+ Appointment letter format Word in doc PDF Sample Template for Example & Free Download
Use Company Letterhead
Sample Template for Example
[Employee's Name]
[Employee's Address]
[City, State, ZIP Code]
Subject: Appointment Letter for the post of (Mention Position Title)
Dear [Employee's Name],
We are happy to extend our heartfelt congratulations on your selection for the position of [Job Title] at [Company Name]. We believe your skills, experience, and qualifications make you a valuable addition to our team.
Job Title: [ Mention the Job Title/ Position ]
Department: [ Department Name ]
Location: [Office Location]
Compensation Package: (Mention Salary)
Benefits: You will be entitled to our comprehensive benefits package, including health insurance, retirement plans, and paid time off (PTO). Further details will be provided during your orientation or onboarding process.
Reporting to: [Supervisor's Name and Title]
Employment Status: You will join us as a [Full-Time/Part-Time] employee.
Probationary Period: As part of your onboarding process, you will be on a probationary period lasting [Specify Duration]. This period will allow us to assess your performance, after which your employment status will be formally reviewed.
Work Schedule: Your regular working hours will be [Specify Hours], [Specify Days], with scheduled breaks as per company policy.
Joining Formalities:
On your first day, we request that you report to the HR Department to complete all necessary paperwork and formalities and bring all your certificates as per company policy.
As a member of the [Company Name] team, we expect you to adhere to our company policies and code of conduct. You will receive copies of these documents during your orientation.
Additionally, you will be required to sign a confidentiality agreement and any other relevant agreements.
Performance Evaluation: We conduct regular performance evaluations to provide feedback and assist you in achieving excellence in your role.
Termination Notice: Please be aware that both you and Company [Name of the Company] retain the right to terminate the employment contract at any time, with or without notice, and for any reason.
Benefits Eligibility: You will become eligible for our employee benefits program on [Specify Date of Benefits Eligibility].
Vacation and Leave: Your employment entitles you to [Specify Number] days of paid vacation per year, in addition to other leave benefits outlined in our employee handbook.
At-Will Employment: This appointment letter signifies at-will employment, meaning that it is not a contract for employment. It confirms your at-will status, allowing either party (you or the company) to terminate the employment relationship at any time, with or without cause or notice.
To formally accept this appointment, please sign and return a copy of this Letter of appointment by [Date]. This will serve as your acknowledgment of the terms and conditions outlined above.
We are excited to welcome you to the [Company Name] team and are eager to witness the valuable contributions we are confident you will bring to our organization. If you have any questions or require additional information, please feel free to reach out to [HR Contact Name].
We congratulate on your appointment, and we eagerly anticipate your start date.
[for Company Name]
Signed by
[ Manager Name with Designation ]
Use Company's Letterhead
Mr./Ms. Name of the candidate
Complete Address
City, Pin Code
State, Country.
Subject: Appointment Letter for Engineer Trainee
Dear (use first name of the candidate)
Refer to your application for the Trainee position and subsequently an interview held in our office on (Mention date of final interview),we are pleased to offer you an appointment as “Engineer Trainee on the following terms and conditions:
The salary of the staff is confidential hence you are requested not to reveal the same to others.
Yours truly
for Company name
(Name with Designation & Signature of Authorized Signatory)
I have read the terms and conditions of this appointment letter and confirm my acceptance of the same.
(Signature and Date)
Name of the employee
Name: Mr/Ms. _________________
Complete Address: _________________
City, State & Pin _________________
Dear _____,
Sub: Offer cum Appointment Letter
Please refer to your interview we had at our office. We are pleased to offer you an appointment in our company as Team Leader and as described your initial joining will at office at New Delhi.
Your appointment will be subject to the terms and conditions indicated in “Annexure - A” attached and the Rules and Regulations of the company prevailing from time to time Details regarding your salary and other allowances & perquisites are indicated an Annexure – B.
We hope to provide you a challenging and rewarding career ensuring a high level of job satisfaction and sample opportunities for career development.
Please return the duplicate copy of this letter duty signed as an acceptance of our offer of appointment along with terms of appointment (Annexure – A), details of perquisites (Annexure – B), your salary details (Annexure – C), duty executed by you.
With best wishes,
(Name of the signing Authority with Designation)
“Annexure - A”
Terms of Appointment
Every appointment with be subject to the Rules and Regulations of M/s. ____________________, enforce and as amended from time to time. Where the company changes or introduces policies and procedures in relation to its staff members these will be deemed to apply to the employment.
Every employment will commence from the date of joining as mentioned in the Appointment letter. There will be a Probation period of three months and confirmation of employment will be based on satisfactory performance during this period.
During the probation period, the employment can be terminated by either party by giving one week’s notice. After the confirmation of employment the same may be terminated by either party by giving one month’s notice in writing or one month’s basic salary in lieu of notice should the circumstances warrant it.
The staff member will be liable to transfer to any place of business of the organization whether existing or acquired later on or from one department to another or from one discipline to another in the interest of the company.
The staff member may be retired on reaching the age of 58 years, if found necessary by the company.
While employed with the company:
The contract of appointment shall be deemed to have executed in the National Capital Territory of Delhi and the staff member shall be under the administrative control of the Corporate as well as Head Office even though such staff member may be servicing outside Delhi. In case of any dispute or difference regarding terms and conditions of the appointment the cause of action would be deemed to have arisen with the Jurisdiction of the National Capital Territory of Delhi.
I shall abide by the above terms and conditions.
(Signature of Mr. ____,) Date: ______,
Annexure – B
Details of Perquisites & Allowances:
Name - Mr. _______________
Designation - __________________
Grade - __________________
Location - __________________
Basic Salary - __________________
Date of Joining - __________________
Probation - Three months from the date of joining.
Confirmation - On successful completion of probationary period.
In addition to the basic salary mentioned in the Annexure – C of this letter, other allowances and benefits payable will be as unde.
1. House Rent Allowance |
00% of the Basic Salary |
2. Leave Travel Allowance |
Equivalent to half month’s basic salary per annum claimable only after completion of each year of continued service. |
3. Medical Reimbursement |
Half month’s basic salary per annum in the first year credited on six monthly basic for self and dependents as declared at the time of joining. Subsequently in second year and onward the medical reimbursement will be admissible @ one month basic salary. |
4. Composite Reimbursement |
Up to Basic salary one month at actual. |
Compos to reimbursement can be claimed under any of the following heads:
1. Outfit Reimbursement |
up to Basic salaries |
2.Conveyance Reimbursement |
Up to Basic Salary which can be claimed every month as actual conveyance from home to office and back. |
3. Association Benefit |
In addition to the above you will also be eligible to a sum on Rs. _________/- on successful completion of 3 Years of continued service with M/s.______________, |
4. Provident Fund |
As per act. |
5. E.S.I. if applicable |
As per act. |
6. Gratuity |
As per act. |
7. Onus |
As per act. |
(Name of the signing Authority with Designation)
Date: ______
Use Company's Letterhead
Name of the employee : _________________
Complete Address : _________________
City, State & Pincode : _________________
Subject: Letter of Appointment for the Post of (Mention Job Title)
Dear, (Use First name)
This is in reference to your Job application followed with the rounds of Interview had with us.
We are pleased to appoint you to the position of (Job Title) in our organization, with effect from ( mention date of joining on or before) on the following terms and conditions:
I extend a warm welcome to you and wish you all the best for a successful career.
Your's truly.
For (Mention the Company Name)
Signature & Name of Manager
I have read the terms and conditions of this appointment and confirm my acceptance of the same.
( Name & Signature of the new employee )
Date :
Name of the Appointee
Complete Address
City, State with Pin code
Dear _________ (Use the First name)
We (firm) are pleased to appoint you as (Mention job role) as per the following terms of appointment (Agreement)
The employee shall be paid a monthly remuneration and reimbursed for the expenses incurred in relation to official work subject to the prevailing tax laws.
Components |
Amount (Rs.) |
Basic |
Conveyance |
Medical |
Total per month |
Total per annul |
PF Employer Contribution Per Annum |
EX-Gratis (Per Annam) |
Annual Cost to Company (CTC) |
Your salary shall be subject to statutory deductions as applicable from time to time and the allowances shall be subject to statutory variances if any.
Yours Sincerely
For (Company Name)
Authorized Signatory ( Name & Designation)
I have read and understood the above emoluments and hereby confirm my acceptance of the same.
Name with Signature
Father Name:-_______,
We are pleased to confirm that you are in our employment w.e.f. ____________________Presently you are in our employment as __________at a salary of Rs._______H.R.A. Rs. __________per month. Further you are in the service on the following terms and conditions:
That the services are liable to be terminated with one month notice or payment of salary in lieu thereof on either side.
2.On confirmation you will be further entitled to other benefits as may be admissible to other confirmed employees of your category.
3.That it will be the discretion of the Management to assign you any work and regulate the working hours the normal working hours or duties shall be 9 hours with one hours as rest.
4.You will be a full time employee of the ___________________________will not work any where else nor accept any payment in cash or kind from the other candidates / organization.
5.You will discharge your duties faithfully and observe the timings regulated by the Management from time to time.
6.That if any misconduct is alleged against you, you can be suspended from duty without wages. However, if you are held guilty of all or any of the charges leveled against you, you will be treated absent from duty during the period of suspension.
7.In all other matters included removal from service on disciplinary grounds or any other matter, you will be Governed by the ____________________________rules as in force or which may be enforced from time to time.
8.This office is subject to your being declared medically fit by our medical officer (Medical checkup) and verification of original certificates.
9.You are requested to sign the duplicate copy of this letter as a token for acceptance of the duties and responsibility as token of acceptance of the above terms and conditions.
I confirm the contents of the letter as correct and accept the Employees Service Rules of the Society.
Signature of Employee
Name: _________________,
Address: ____________
Dear _________,
Subject: Appointment Letter
We are pleased to confirm your appointment in the (Organization Name) on the following terms and condition:
Present Salary:_________
Scale of Pay:____________
During the employment with us the following will be among-st the principal terms of employment:-
a)You will abide by the working hours of the establishment. You are liable to be transferred from one shift to another or one department to another or from one establishment to another existing or likely to come into existence anywhere in India without any extra remuneration.
b)You will abide by the Service Rules of the Company which are in force for the time being or which may come into force from time to time.
c)You shall not carry on any business or engage in any avocation full or part time: or enter for any part of your time in any capacity the services of or be employed by any other company or firm whether engaged in similar business.
d)You shall be responsible for the safe keeping and return in good condition and order of all our property such as tools, equipment instruments books uniforms etc. Which may be in your use custody or charge? We reserve our right to deduct the money value of all such changes from your wages or dues and take such other action as may be deemed proper in the event of your failure to account for such property to our satisfaction.
e)While discharging your duties, you shall observe utmost civility towards the customers your superior’s fellow employees and all such persons who have dealings with the Company.
f)You will be entitled to benefits of leave and employees of the Company under the Factories Act.
g)You shall keep us informed of any change in your local or permanent address or in your civil status.
h)If during your employment with us your conduct or behavior is not satisfactory or is found unbecoming on is detrimental or warrants further investigation you are liable to be suspended from duty. During the suspension period you will be paid subsistence allowance as per the Model / Certified Standing Orders.
i)The management may in the event of fire Act of God catastrophe epidemic riot civil commotion stoppage or shortage of shortage of fuel power slow or broke – down of Machine or finance you may be laid & off or retrenched as may be considered necessary. In case off lay & off or retrenchment for any reason as mention above you shall be paid compensation as per the previsions of Industrial Disputes Act 1947.
j)Your services may be terminated at any time by giving one month notice in writing on either side. In case you leave the services without giving the requisite notice, we shall have the right to deduct as liquidated damages an amount equivalent to as deduct salary / wages from the money or moneys that may be due to you.
k) You shall retire from the services of the Company at the age of 58 years and for the purpose of calculating this age, the official records of your age with the company will be treated as final Record of your age.
l)Your services are also liable to be terminated on one month’s notice or salary in lieu of notice for any reason including the followings.
I.Continued illness for a long time or frequent intermittent illness.
II.Physical or mental disability or infirmity defective eye – sight or hearing etc.
III.Reasonable doubt of commission of any act of serious misconduct.
IV.Bad reputation or receipts of report from police or any Government Department.
V.Continued low efficiency or poor working.
VI.Conviction in a Court of law for any offence including moral turpitude.
VII.Absence on account of arrest or detention by the Government under the Defiance of India Rules or under any other law.
Your faithfully,
(Candidate Acceptance)
I hereby accept the employment on the terms and conditions mentioned above and fully explained to me further agree that in the event of any declaration given by me is found to be false, then my services shall stand terminated forthwith.
(Signature of the Applicant)
Name: ___________,
Address: _________
Subject: Offer of an Appointment
Dear Mr./Ms._______
With reference to your application & subsequent interviews with us we are pleased to offer you the post of (Mention Position) in our organization as per agreed terms and condition.
Your consolidated package will be as per dissuasion at the time of interview you will be on probation period for six months from the date of joining. Your date of joining will be on or before date__(Mention Joining Date)__. The detailed Appointment Letter and Job Description will be issued later on.
Please find a duplicate copy of this letter and return it back to us duly signed as a token of your acceptance.
We welcome you in our organization and wish you a long and prosperous career with us.
With best wishes
(Signature and Seal)
Fathers Name:___________
We are pleased to confirm that you are in our employment w.e.f. ____________________Presently you are in our employment as __________at a salary of Rs._______H.R.A. Rs. __________per month.
Further you are in the service on the following terms and conditions:
Acceptance from Employee
I confirm the contents of the letter as correct and accept the Employees Service Rules of the Society.
Signature of Employee
Date: _________
Dear Mr.__________,
We have pleasure in appointing you as PRODUCT SUPPORT EXECUTIVE of Digital Publishing Department, Delhi Office in our organization, effective dated (________)on the following terms and conditions:
1.Placement & Compensation
You will be placed in the appropriate band / responsibility level of the Company, and will be entitled to compensation (salary and other applicable benefits) as detailed in Annexure *A* Compensation will be governed by the rules of the Company on the subject, as application and/or amended hereafter.
2.Salary revision
Your salary will be reviewed on date (________)and on wards or at such other time as the Management may decide. Salary revisions are discretionary and will be subject to and on the basis of effective performance and results. The entire appraisal of the salary would be considered as hike minimum of 5% in the basic salary. Apart from appraisal promotion will be done on three years of working cycle. Appraisal and promotion are also the management discretion. Also, the bonus will be facilitated on month (_________) as on the basic pay.
3.Posting & Transfer
Your initial positing will be at DEHRADUN – UTTARAKHAND However, your services are liable to be transferred at the sole discretion of Management, in such other capacity as the company may determine to any department / section, location, associate, sister concern or subsidiary, at any place in India whether existing today or which may come up in future. In such a case, you will be governed by the terms and conditions of the service application at the present placement location.
4.Absence / Leave Rule
Absence for a continuous period of ten days without prior approval of your superior, (including overstay on leave / training would result in your losing your lien on the service and the same shall automatically come to an end without any notice or intimation.
Leave You will be eligible to the benefits of the Company Leave Rules on your confirmation in the Company’s Service as detailed in Annexure *A* During the period of your employment with the Company’s you will devote full time to the work of the Company. Further, you will not take up any other employment or assignment or any office honorary or for any consideration in cash or in kind or otherwise, without the prior written permission of the Company.
5.Probation / Confirmation:
You will be on a Probation period for the Six month Based on your performance your services will be confirmed with the company in written after six months. During the probation period your services can be terminated with seven days notice on either side and without any reasons whatsoever. If your services are found satisfactory during the probation period, you will be confirmed in the present position and thereafter your services can be terminated on one month’s notice on either side. The period of probation can be extended at the discretion of the Management and you will continue to be on probation till an order of confirmation has been issued in writing once confirmed you position as a full time employment with the Company and you shall devote yourself exclusively to the business and interests of the company. You will not take up any other work for remuneration (part time or otherwise) or work in an advisory capacity or be interested directly or indirectly (except as shareholder / debenture holder), in any other trade or business during your employment with the company. Without permission in writing of the Board of Directors of the Company. You will also not seek membership of any local or public bodies without first obtaining specific permission from the Management.
You will not (except in the normal course of the Company’s business) publish any article or statement delivers any lecture or broadcast or makes any communication to the press including magazine publication relating to the Company’s products or to any matter with which the Company may be concerned unless you have previously applied to and obtained the written permission from the Company’s. Any of our technical or other important information which might come into your possession during the continuance of your service with us shall not be disclosed, divulged or made public by you even thereafter. You will not at any time, during the employment or after without the consent of the Board of Directors disclose or make public except on legal obligations, any information regarding the Company’s affairs or administration or research carried out, whether the same is confided to you or becomes known to you in the course of your service or otherwise.
7.Intellectual Property
If you conceive any new or advanced method of improving designs / processes / formulae / systems, etc in relation to the business / operations of the Company, such developments will be fully communicated to the company and will be and remain the sole right/propend of the Company. You will be required to maintain utmost secrecy in respect of Project documents commercial offer design documents Project cost & Estimation. Technology. Software packages license, Company’s policy, Company’s patterns & Trade Mark and Company’s Human assets profile. Also the usage of personal USB Drives and CD ROMs are strictly prohibited within the organization. In any case. If you want any kind of data, inform the immediate superior authority and he/she will provide the same.
8.Responsibilities & Duties
You work in the organization will be subject to the rules and regulations of the organization as laid down in relation to conduct and other matters. You will always be alive to responsibilities and duties attached to your office and conduct yourself accordingly. You must effectively perform to ensure results
9.Past Records
If any declaration given or information furnished by you, to the company proves to be false, or if you are found to have willfully suppressed any material information, in such cases you will be liable to removal from services without any notice.
The retirement age is 60 years. You will retire from the employment of the Company at the end of the month in which you attain 60 years of age.
11.Termination of employment
During the probationary period and any extension thereof, your services may be terminated on either side by giving one week’s notice or salary in lieu thereof. However on confirmation the services can be terminated from either side by giving one-month (30 Days) notice or salary in lieu thereof. Upon termination of employment you will immediately hand over to the Company all correspondence specifications, formulae, books, documents market data cost data drawings effects or records belonging to the Company or relating to its business and shall not retain or make copies of these items. Upon termination of employment you will also return all company property which may be in your possession.
12.Medical Fitness
This is subject to your being and remaining medically fit while working in the organization.
13.If at any time in our opinion which is final in this matter you are found non-performer or guilty of fraud, dishonest disobedience, disorderly behavior, negligence, indiscipline absence from duty without permission or any other conduct considered by us deterrent to our interest or of violation of one or more terms of this letter, your services may be terminated without notice and on account of reason of any of the acts or omission the company shall be entitled to recover the damages from you.
14.You will not accept any present commission or any sort of gratification in cash or kind from any person party or firm or Company having dealing with the company and if you are offered any you should immediately report the same to the Management.
15.You will be responsible for safekeeping and return in good condition and order of all Company property which may be your use custody or charge.
16. All legal matters are subject to Delhi Jurisdiction.
Please confirm your acceptance of the appointment on the above terms and conditions by signing and returning this letter for our records.
Your faithfully.
For Company Name: _____________________________
HR Manager
I have read the terms and conditions of this appointment and confirm my acceptance of the same.
(Signature and Date)
Mr. ______________
Subject: You Appointment Letter as Operation Manager and terms & condition in (Company Name).
We welcome you to(company Name ) and are pleased to confirm your appointment for the position of Operation Manager under the following terms and conditions:
1.Date of Joining:
2.Place of Work:
4.Probation Period:
5.Work Conduct:
6. ;Training
7. Disclosure of Information: 8. Confidentiality: 9. ; Monitoring Policy: 10. ;Notice Period: 11. ;Termination of Services: 12. ;Leave: 13.Expenses: 14. ; Deductions: 16. ;Non – Competition:
In the event of your separation from Company for whatever reason:
We take this opportunity to congratulate you on your selection and look forward to a long and mutually beneficial professional association. You’re are joining us at an exciting phase of your journey or building a world class firm and we are counting on you to help us get there.
Kindly return a copy of this letter duly signed by you in acceptance of the terms and conditions set out herein.
Yours Sincerely,
Company Name__________________________
Authorized Signatory
I hereby accept and agree to the terms and conditions of this employment contract and any amendments, additions hereto. I also promise to adhere and abide by the policies and regulations of the Company as mentioned and amended from time to time.
HR Manager
Date (___________)
REF : DEL/ _______ / 20___-___
Name of the employee
Address ____________
Dear Sir/Madam,
It has been decided to appoint you in the post of Sales Manager (at the basic of Rs.______/- p.m. on the following terms and conditions:
1) Basic Pay: Your starting basic pay will be fixed at Rs. _____/- per month in the pay scale of − Rs_________.
2) Allowances:
a)House Allowance: Payable at the rate of _____% of the basic pay.
b)Children Educational Allowance − Rs.________ /- per month.
c)Meal/Lunch Subsidy − Rs.________/- per day (For the number of days present)
d)One gift/ gift voucher (not convertible into cash) per year for value not exceeding Rs.________/-.
e)Professional Up gradation Allowance Rs ________/- per year.
f)LTC/LFC Rs. ________ /- per year.
g)Mobile Telephone − Payment of rent and usage for the official calls with a facility for one additional local number of choice which will be paid by the company on submission of bills in the manner as may be required by the company or Rs. _______/- towards prepaid card facility.
3) Provident Fund:You will be required to contribute to the Provident Fund in accordance with the Provident Fund Regulations, in force in accordance with the Employees´ Provident Fund and Miscellaneous Provisions Act, 1952. The rate of your contribution is 12% of the basic pay presently.
4)Probation and Confirmation: You will be on probation for a period of six months (extendable upto one year at the discretion of the Company) from the date of your appointment. You will be considered for confirmation in the Company´s service if the Company is satisfied with reference to your overall work/performance and conduct during the period of probation. During the first month of your probationary period, you shall be liable to be discharged without assigning any reasons at one day´s notice or pay in lieu thereof and thereafter at one month´s notice or pay in lieu thereof from either side.
5)Posting and Liability for Transfer: Initially you shall report for appointment at Mumbai and thereafter your place of posting would be decided based on the need of the Company. Your services in the Company are transferable anywhere in India/ abroad and you shall serve the Company and all the conditions of your employment with your employment in the company in its business in such capacity and at such place as you may from time to time be directed.
6)You will be governed by the Company´s Rules relating to conduct, discipline and all the conditions of employment etc. that are applicable or may become applicable from time to time to the employees of the Company.
7)You should produce sufficient proof of date of birth and educational qualifications (i.e. original mark lists & certificates along with photo copies thereof).
8)This appointment is subject to you being medically found fit for the aforesaid appointment by the Company for which you will have to undergo a medical checkup as decided by the Company and the decision of the Company on the Name of the Doctor/ Venue and the medical report will be final. A separate communication is being sent to you by the undersigned.
9)Your continuation of appointment will be subject to your furnishing such other information as the Company may require from time to time and subject to your services being acceptable in the light of the information furnished and documents provided from time to time.
10)If any declaration, statement or information given by you is at any time found to be false or untrue, or if any material information is suppressed, your services are liable to be terminated forthwith without any notice or compensation in lieu thereof.
11)If after you join the Company´s service, it comes to the notice of the Company that you had prior to joining the Company´s services committed any act of misconduct, your services are liable to be terminated forthwith without any notice or compensation in lieu thereof, or if your services are not so terminated, you shall be liable to disciplinary measures and any penalty that may be imposed by the Management.
12)No traveling allowance will be paid to you on account of your journey undertaken for joining the services of the company for this appointment.
13)Be it clearly understood that no benefit of past service or any other similar benefit of any previous employment, in whatever form & manner it may be, shall be available to you in this employment being offered pursuant to this letter.
If the above terms and conditions are acceptable to you, please return the duplicate of this letter duly signed in token of your acknowledgement and having accepted all the terms and conditions mentioned herein. You are also advised to report for appointment at the Company´s Office address not later than _______(DATE).
If we do not receive your acceptance on this letter of appointment before __________(DATE OF JOINING), it will be construed that you are not interested in accepting this offer and the same shall stand automatically withdrawn, without any further reference to you. Similarly, if you do not report for duty by the aforesaid date _________(DATE OF JOINING), it will be construed that you are not interested in accepting this offer and the same shall stand automatically withdrawn, without any further reference to you.
I wish you all the very best and wish all success in your tenure with the company.
Thanking you
Date: ___________
Name of the employee
first employee="" name="" of=""
Further to the interview you had with us, we are pleased to appoint you as ________ Trainee in our Company. The terms and conditions governing your training are given below:-
1. Training period
You will be on training for a period of 12 months effective date of starting of this program, which will be indicated to you.
2. Consolidated Stipend
A sum of Rs. _________/- (Rupees _____________ only) per month will be paid to you as stipend. You will not be entitled to any other benefits, apart from the above.
3. Notice period during training
The Company reserves the right to terminate services of trainees on grounds of misconduct or breach of the terms and conditions of the Undertaking to be furnished by the trainee as per clause 6 of this letter and / or violation of any rules and regulations or standing orders of the Company by giving seven calendar days notice or upon payment of stipend in lieu thereof.
4. Posting
Initially you will be posted at _______. However during this period of training, you can be transferred to any other department/division of the company, anywhere in India or overseas. You may also be assigned such other duties as may be (Organization Name) at the discretion of the management, in any branch or office of the company and/or its subsidiaries or associate companies.
5. You will be required to sign an Undertaking-cum-Indemnity Bond / Agreement on joining.
6. This appointment is subject to:
a. Your having secured a certificate of completion as declared by your Institution / University.
b. Your being examined & found medically fit. (Please have yourself medically examined by a general physician, as per the standard examination list enclosed and if referred further by any specialist. The same would have to be filled in and certified by the physician and sent to us directly by _____ (date). The fees incurred for the same would be reimbursed on you joining).
7. Your performance will be reviewed periodically during the training period. If your performance does not meet with the requirements of the training program, your training period would be extended by a maximum of six months with an interim review after three months.
8. On successful completion of training, based on your performance during and at the end of the training period, you will be confirmed in the services of the Company in the appropriate cadre depending on suitable openings.
9. You are required to maintain the highest order of discipline and secrecy as regards the work of the company and/or its subsidiaries or associate companies and in case of any breach of discipline/trust, your services may be terminated by the company with immediate effect. You will also be required to sign the Secrecy Agreement on your joining.
10. You will also be governed by the standard terms and conditions applicable to the managerial cadre of the company as existing now and as may be amended from time to time.
11. Should there be a need for any modification in one or more benefits extended to you through this letter, by way of enactment of any law by the appropriate State/Central Government, you would be entitled to the higher of the benefit(s) but not both.
12. This appointment has been made based on the information furnished in your application for employment and subsequent interviews. If, at any time in future, it comes to light that any of the information is incorrect or any relevant information has been withheld, then your employment is liable to be terminated without notice.
13. Your appointment is with effect from __________
Kindly sign the copy of this letter indicating your acceptance of the above terms and conditions of this appointment and return the same to us. Whilst welcoming you to the (Organization Name) Group, we wish you good luck and a very bright career with us.
Name of the Business Leader
Date: _________
Name of the employee
Dear (First name of the employee),
This has reference to the discussions you had with us. We are pleased to offer you the position of “_________________” at level ___________in the management cadre of our Company, on the following terms and conditions:
Basic Salary: Rs. _________/- (Rupees ______ only) per annum. You will be entitled to further review of your compensation as per the company practice. This will be linked to your performance and will be at the discretion of the management.
2. H.R.A. / Accommodation: 60% of your basic salary will be paid to you as house rent allowance. If you are provided a company accommodation, the same will be regulated by the relevant policy, for which you may refer our Company Leased Accommodation (C.L.A.) policy on our ___________ site.
3. Special Allowance: Rs. _________/- (Rupees ______ only) per annum.
4. Food Coupons: You will be entitled to food coupons worth Rs. _____/- per month. You may choose to opt out of this, for which you need to indicate your choice to your HR manager. For details where these coupons are applicable, you may refer our directory on our_______site.
5. Leave Travel Assistance: Rs. ___________/-(Rupees _______ only) per annum for each completed year of service as per the rules, payable on a yearly basis.
6. Domiciliary Medical Expenses: Rs. __________ (Rupees ________ only) per annum for each completed year of service as per the rules, payable on a monthly basis.
7. Hospitalization: You would be covered under the Company´s Hospitalization scheme. For details you may refer our Hospitalization policy on our ________site.
8. Provident Fund: The Company will contribute 12% of your basic salary towards Provident Fund. Similar deduction will be made from your salary.
9. Superannuation: If you indicate specific desire to do so, the Company will contribute 15 % of your basic salary per annum towards superannuation fund till you attain the age of 58 years. The benefits of this contribution will be made applicable to you, totally in accordance with the terms of the scheme. Please refer to Mr. _______ for further information on our Company Superannuation Program.
10. Gratuity: You will be entitled to an equivalent of 15 days of your last salary drawn for every completed year of service as per the terms of the scheme, subject to a maximum of Rs._________/- (Eligibility after 5 years of completed service).
11. Corporate Attire: You will have a choice to select corporate attire worth Rs. ________/- from the options provided by the Company every year. If you indicate your desire to opt for this scheme, the Company will contribute 50% of this amount and the balance will be deducted from your salary. For more details, you can refer our Corporate Attire Policy on our _________site.
12. a) This order of appointment can be terminated on either side by giving three months´ notice or payment of salary (basic) in lieu thereof.
b) The Company reserves the right to terminate your services without assigning any specific reason whatsoever for such termination by giving you a 3 months´ notice in writing or an equivalent of three months´ salary in lieu thereof.
c) The Company also reserves the right to terminate your services without any notice or salary in lieu thereof on the grounds of misconduct, or even in the case of reasonable suspicion of misconduct, disloyalty, commission of any act involving moral turpitude, or any act of indiscipline or inefficiency or for loss of confidence.
13. Initially, you will be posted at ___________ and report to ___________or any other person nominated by the company. However, your services could be transferred to any other Departments / Divisions / Factories of the Company, anywhere in India. Notwithstanding your initial appointment in this Company, your services may be assigned by the Company to any other Company of the (Organization Name) Group. You may also be assigned such other duties as may become (Organization Name) at the discretion of the Management in any Branch or Office of the Company and/or its subsidiaries or to any of its other Associate Companies.
14. This appointment is subject to your being medically examined and found fit. The Management has the right to get you medically examined by any qualified medical practitioner during the tenure of your service. In case you are found medically unfit to continue with the assignment for which you have been employed, you will lose your lien on the job.
15. This appointment is also subject to a satisfactory report from your former employers, based on the references given by you.
16. You will automatically retire from the service of the Company on attaining the superannuating age of 58 years. You will be expected to provide acceptable evidence of your date of birth at the time of joining the company.
17. All other standard and general rules, practices and policies of the Company as existing now and which may be amended from time to time will be applicable to you and you will be expected to abide by the same.
18. In the event of the State/Central Government enacting any law conferring the same or similar benefits as extended to you under this letter, you would be entitled to such benefits which are more beneficial of the two, but not both. This shall be at the discretion of the management.
19. You are required at all times to maintain the highest order of discipline and secrecy as regards the work of the Company and/or its Subsidiaries or Associate Companies, in case of any breach of discipline/trust, your services may be terminated by the company with immediate effect. You are also required to sign the Secrecy Agreement upon your joining. All inventions, improvements, discoveries made by you either alone or with other persons, will become the sole property of the company. You will ensure that patent protections are obtained for such inventions/improvements and discoveries in India or elsewhere and assign the same to the company.
20. You are required to devote your total attention and abilities exclusively for the business of the Company. You will respect, obey and conform to all the regulations from time to time framed and issued by the Company and made applicable to you. You shall not, while in the employment of the Company, be engaged in any other employment, conduct business whatsoever or hold any office of profit or accept any other emoluments without previous consent in writing of the Company. Breach of this condition could lead to immediate termination without notice.
21. During the course of your employment and if the nature of your business so requires, the Company may send you for specialized training within India or overseas in order to enable you to perform more effectively. In such an event you will be required to execute a training bond with the Company.
22. This offer of employment is based on the information furnished in your application for employment. If, at any time in future, it comes to the knowledge of the management that any of this information is incorrect or any relevant information has been withheld then your employment based on this letter of appointment is liable to be terminated without notice or any compensation in lieu thereof.
23. The emoluments/benefits due to you will be liable/subject to tax in accordance with the provisions of the Income Tax Act and Rules made there under as also other applicable laws, if any, as may be in force from time to time.
24. The Company lays emphasis on all statutory compliance and you should ensure compliance with various statutes in your area of operations including Insider Trading Regulations.
25. Your appointment is with effect from the date of joining, which should in any case be not later than ___________.
Kindly sign the copy of this letter indicating your acceptance of the above terms and conditions of this appointment and return the same to us.
Whilst welcoming you to the (Organization Name) Group, we wish you good luck and a very bright career with us.
Best Regards
Name of the Business Leader
Date _________
Name of the employee
Dear (First name),
With reference to the discussions you have had with us, we are pleased to appoint you as “_______” for our Group companies on the following terms and conditions:
1. You will be paid a consolidated amount of Rs._______ (Rupees _______only) per annum.
2. The above consolidated amount will consist of the following:
a) Rs. _________ per annul as fixed pay, and
b) Rs. _________ per annul as variable pay which is linked to your performance and that of the company.
3. This appointment is for a period of two years effective date of your joining and may be renewed on a mutual basis. This arrangement is with effect from _______ and will be valid for a period of _______years/s.
4. In this capacity, you will be located at ____ and will report to _______ or any other person nominated by the company. However, your services could be transferred to any other Departments/Divisions of the Company. Notwithstanding your appointment in this company, your services could be reassigned to any other company of the (Organization Name) Group.
5. You may also be assigned such other duties as may become nec (Organization Name) at the discretion of the Management in any Branch or office of the Company and/ or its Subsidiaries or Associate Companies.
6. You will be eligible for 18 days leave pro-rated per calendar year. However, leave will be allowed subject to exigencies of work.
7. You will be provided comprehensive Accident/ Medical Health Insurance for your and your spouse.
8. It is clarified that in addition to the above, you will not be entitled to any other benefits.
9. This appointment can be terminated by giving three-month notice on either side or payment in lieu of shortfall in this notice period.
10. You shall observe all rules and regulations of the company.
11. During the tenure of the assignment with the company, you will not engage yourself in any other assignments or gainful employment without consent of the management.
12. You are required to maintain the highest order of secrecy with regards to the work or confidential information of the Company and/ or its subsidiaries or Associate Companies and in case of any breach of trust, your appointment may be terminated by the Company without any notice.
13. The Company lays emphasis on all statutory compliance and your should ensure compliance with various statues in your area of operations.
Kindly sign a copy of this letter in acceptance of the above mentioned terms and conditions and return the same for our records.
Name of Business Head