What is the meaning of Business Organization with Its Definition​

Organization is a group, an entity, or an institution comprising active people to perform an external activity. This external activity which will fulfill the objective of the body for which it is organized which you can call as goal. Organization can be of various types, government based profitable, and non- profitable or private based profitable or non- profitable organization. All organization have a management  layered structure which regulate internal syncronization between various members, decides the job role, responsibilities, authorities etc.

​A. Introduction / History

This document is in order to familiarize employees with the organization and provide information about Organization’s History, services provided to the clients and customers, working conditions, key policies, procedures and benefits affecting employment at Organization.

For Example:

Incepted in year, we at Organization take the pride in presenting ourselves as renowned manufacturers and exporters, of packaging products. We are among best known exporters for our quality and competitive pricing. Our creation is based on our customer’s imaginations and is renowned world over for its fascinating patterns and colors.

B. Management Philosophy

This document is to publicize its employees with the management philosophy, objectives.

For Example

Organization management philosophy is based on responsibility and mutual respect. The mainstay of our strategy is to offer a level of client focus that is superior to that offered by our competitors. 

To help in attain  objective, Organization lookout to attract highly motivated individuals who have clear understanding about team work and share in the commitment, responsibility, risk taking and discipline required to achieve our vision.

This success in turn, enables Organization to give its employee innovative incentives, benefits or rewards. These key elements help us maintain our leadership position in the worldwide market place.

C. Policy & Procedures Manual

It is developed to facilitate the implementation and clearly define Organization’s policies on human resource management. The Manual provide  what protocol to be  followed in the administration of these policies, and assists all the employees in defining each human resource management decision and the correct procedure to be followed accordingly .

While every effort is made to keep the contents of this document updated to current trends ,  Still Organization reserves  the right to modify, suspend, or terminate any of the policies, procedures, and/or benefits described in the manual with or without prior notice to it's  employees.

Compliance with this policies and procedures is the responsibility of every Organization’s employee & associated members.

In Case of Disrespecting or failing to up with organization's standard could lead to according disciplinary action, up to and possibly termination of employment from the organization.Feedbacks, suggestion, improvements in process and procedure are always welcome 

This can be provided via email or through suggestion boxes, comments. These policies and procedures are applicable to all areas of operations within Organization and related entities.

D. Our Vision. Policy & Procedures Manual

A vision statement is sometimes called a picture of your Organization in the future but it’s so much more than that. Your vision is your inspiration, the framework for all your strategic planning.

For Example

To make Organization the world leader in packaging export by establishing new levels of quality, durability, reliability and customer satisfaction.

E. Our Mission                                                              

A mission statement is a statement of the purpose of an Organization, to declare the institution or person, its reason for existing. It provides "the framework or context within which the organization's strategies are formulated.

For Example

To give the fantastic product that combines up with esteem valuing, while at the same time building up an effective sound longterm association with our clients and our supplier.