Training Programme Evaluation - Process and Techniques

The purpose of evaluation is to determine whether or not the training achieved the desired objective. Training evaluation is a continual and systematic process of assessing the value or potential value of a training program, course, activity or event. All organizations, regardless of size or type, should use some process of assessing the effectiveness of training undertaken by employees. Results of the evaluation are used to guide decision-making around various components of the training.

Benefits of Training Programme Evaluation

There are a number of reasons why organizations proactively monitor the effectiveness of employee education. These are:

  1. Helps employees to monitor their own improvement.

  2. Builds morale, by demonstrating an interest in staff development.

  3. To maximize the training ROI (return on investment).

  4. Helps to determine the form of future training programs.

  5. Assists with identifying the effectiveness of different forms of teaching (such as classroom based or web based).

Organizations that train but do not evaluate that training cannot be certain of its value, either to themselves or their employees. Hence , the training results should be monitor, observe and evaluate in a systematic manner

Evaluating Performance

There are three ways to evaluate the training: by evaluating the three ingredients of performance: knowledge, skills and attitudes

To evaluate knowledge, test people/ employees. Testing knowledge result in a simple “ know or doesn’t know”, pass or fail mark

To evaluate skills, observe people doing the skill, if necessary by breaking it down into sub skills. This may have to wait until people are back at work

To evaluate attitude, ask people their views. This can result in a picture of motivation and interest, enthusiasm and self esteem.

Evaluation Techniques

Evaluation methods should be determined based on the goals of the training process and should meet the demands of the various stakeholders involved. Every organization has multiple stakeholders and not everyone within the organization has the same information needs. Typically, organizational stakeholder groups include the training department, employees and business units

There are 8 common evaluation techniques

  1. Questionnaires to trainees and / or their managers

  2. Attitude surveys

  3. Written test

  4. Performance test

  5. Interviews

  6. Focus groups

  7. Observation of critical incidents

  8. Performance records

Responsibility for the evaluation of training

The ultimate measure of success in training is the extent to which people behaviour changes and with it their performance. In learning organizaiton, where change is continuous, it may be difficult to measure one change before a new one begins. This is why learning and its evaluation are not just the responsbility of manager and trainers but also of learners themselves.

The Training Programme Evaluation is the joint responsibilities of:

  1. Senior management

  2. The trainer / Training department

  3. Line management/ manager or Functional Manager

  4. The trainee / participant Senior Management - Training Evaluation Responsibilities

  5. Awareness of the need and value of training to the organization.

  6. Knowledge of and support of training plans

  7. Requirement for evaluation to be performed and require regular summary report.

  8. The necessity of involving the Training Manager (or equivalent) in senior management meetings where decisions are made about future changes when training will be essential.

  9. Active participation in events.

  10. Policy and strategic decisions based on results and return on investment data .

The Trainer - Training Evaluation Responsibilities

  1. Provision of any necessary pre-programme work etc and programme planning.

  2. The presentation and upkeep of assessment frameworks, and generation of consistent reports for senior administration 

  3. Arrangement of preparing and learning assets to empower the students to learn inside the destinations of the program and the students' own particular goals. 

  4. Toward the finish of the program, evaluation of and receipt of reports from the students of the learning levels accomplished. 

  5. Visit, significant contact with senior administration 

  6. Contact with the students' line chiefs and course of action of learning usage obligation learning programs for the supervisors 

  7. ID toward the beginning of the program of the information and aptitudes level of the students

  8. Checking the learning as the program advances. 

  9. Guaranteeing the generation by the students of an activity intend to fortify, practice and execute learning.

The Line Manager / Functional Manager - Training Evaluation Responsibilities

  1. Work-needs and individuals distinguishing proof. 

  2. Giving continuous, and useful, support to the preparation program 

  3. Contribution in preparing project and assessment improvement. 

  4. Holding a questioning gathering with the student on their arrival to work to examine, concur or help to adjust and concur activity for their activity design

  5. Support of pre-event preparation and holding briefing meetings with the learner.

  6. Reviewing the progress of learning implementation.

  7. Final review of implementation success and assessment.

The Trainee Or Learner - Training Evaluation Responsibilities

  1. Take interest and support the evaluation processes.

  2. To complete a personal action plan during and at the end of the training for implementation on return to work, and to put this into practice, with support from the line manager.