Wage and Salary Administration

Wage and Salary Administration is alludes to decide and actualize the successful strategies and practices of worker remuneration working in an association. The basic purpose and objective of wage and salary administration is to ensure and maintain an equitable wage and salary structure of the employees and workers. Wages and salaries are often considered one of the largest components of cost of production and also have direct implications for growth and profitability of the organisation / company.

Salary / Wages

Salary is the fixed amount of remuneration paid at regular interval of each month after one month’s service. The each month salary or remuneration depends on the annual sum decided or committed by employer to employee at the time of joining. Salary or wages is decided based on the pattern of work, the job hours and the job type.

a. Work Schedule

As per working hours is scheduled it cannot be more than 48 hours based on eight hours per six days a week. More than eight hours each hour must count for overtime. The normal work schedule for all the employees and associated members are < > (Excluding 1 hour lunch break) per day, i.e. Monday to Saturday.

Staffing needs and operational demands may necessitate variations in beginning and ending times, as well as variations in the total hours that may be scheduled each day and week. An employee is considered absent if he or she is not present for work on scheduled time.

Since delay in arrival or unnoticed absentees put extra work load on fellow employees and hamper smooth run of the organization, reporting for work regularly and on time is essential. This must be in the daily discipline of the employee.

Failure in reporting to work on time and tardiness will result in disciplinary action up to and including termination.

b. Time Keeping Procedure

By law, Organization is obligated to keep accurate records of the time worked by employees.Every employee must  update  their attendance time record each week,  in accordance with the organization’s time-reporting guidelines. To maintain accuracy in time keeping, Organization has installed punching machines on all entrance gates. Punch Card must be used by all employees to record entry & departure time. Accurately recording of time is the responsibility of every employee. State / Provincial law require organization to keep accurate record of time worked in order to calculate employees pay and benefits.

Time worked is the time actually spent on the job performing assigned duties. Time keeping is also recordable for keeping track of employees and associate members punctuality that leads to their performance analysis.

Changing, misrepresenting, altering with time records can be result as disciplinary action, up to  termination of employment.

c. Pay

All employees and associated members are paid on or before date of every month. Each pay (Cash/ Bank) includes earnings for all work performed till the end of previous pay roll period. In the event that a regularly scheduled pay day falls on an off day such as a weekend or holiday, employees and associated members receive pay before the regular pay day. Employees receive salary slip from the HR department. Currently all employees or associated members get the payment by cheque. Workers working on daily wages get their payment in cash.

d. Overtime Pay

All operative levels are entitled for overtime payment while performing duty except supervisory and above levels. All overtime performance will be authorized or instructed by the Head of the projects in writing using the relevant format and any unauthorized extra hours work

will not be entertained or accepted for compensatory claims. Extra duties up to 1-4 hrs will be treated as “half day duty” and between 4-8 hrs will be “full day duty” and will be compensated accordingly.

All overtime performed intimation will be sent by the project to the nodal office at the end of every month along – with the salary payment details and No amendments will be accepted after that.