Exit process is another most important part of HR Process, where employer may get the true feedback regarding the best part and the loopholes of the HR Process, where they can improve.
According to an Survey By Hrhelpboard.com
The main challenge of the HR process depends in retaining the employee for a longer period of time. During this exit process, employees are asked to fill an exit form which is a part of exit interview where employee are asked few question regarding their switch of job, leaving the current organization and their experience and their feedback. This process is a kind of evaluation done to know the reason for which the employee is parting with the company and the places where HR process can be improved. Here in this section below you can find one sample or template which you can use in your company during exit interview.
Name: |
Designation: |
Department: |
Joining Date: |
Leaving / Separation Date: |
Resigning / Termination: |
Read more : Various Techniques of e-recruitment
1. What are your primary reasons for leaving the organization ?
2. What did you find most satisfying about your job?
3. What did you find most frustrating about your job?
4. Would you recommend organization name to a friend as a good place to work ?
Yes No
5. Did this organization help you to fulfill your career goals ?
Yes No
6. What did you like about this organization?
Most ___________________________________________________________________
Least ___________________________________________________________________
7. How would you rate the following ?
S. No. |
Particulars |
Excellent |
Good |
Average |
Poor |
1. |
Opportunity for advancement & growth |
2. |
Training received |
3. |
4. |
Your job responsibilities |
5. |
Support you received from management &superiors |
6. |
Your compensation & benefits |
7. |
Transparency in company’s processes |
8. |
Internal Communication |
Comment :
8. What suggestions do you have in terms of responsibilities, growth and future prospects associated with your position in organization name ?
9. Did you like / enjoy your job ?
Yes No
10.Was your job what you expected it to be? If not, how did it differ ?
Yes No
11.Are there any other benefits you feel should have been offered? If Yes, what?
Yes No
12. How frequently did you get performance feedback ?
13. What were your feelings about the performance appraisal process ?
14. Do you think you should have been offered more training/development within the position you held ?
15. What was the greatest challenge you faced in your position ?
16. Were working conditions satisfactory? (i.e. hours, work area, etc.)
Yes No
17. Are there any particular practices or working conditions that you feel are particularly beneficial to an effective working relationship and that should be maintained ?
18. Did you feel a sense of security in your position? If not, why?
Yes No
19. Did you undergo any training during your service period in organization name? If yes please mention the training program title, trainer’s ]
name & you were benefited from the program.
Yes No
20. Were any employees given preferential treatment or discriminated against ?
21. Did you unite well with your teammates & superior ?
22. Was there anything the company could have done to improve morale ?
23. Did you feel free to discuss suggestions or problems with your supervisor or manager ?
24. Did you feel you were well informed regarding the company’s policies and procedures? If not, why
Yes No
25. Would you consider coming back to the organization ?
Yes No
26.Suggestions / Comments (if any):
Employee signature
Interviewer taken by:
Name: ____________________
Designation: ________________
Department: ________________
Interviewer Signature
Ascent Human Solutions Pvt. Limited
Ascent Human Solutions Pvt. Limited
Ascent Human Solutions Pvt. Limited
Ascent Human Solutions Pvt. Limited
Er's Associate