Human Resource Management – HRM process is a strategic approach which helps the business or the organization to achieve the competitive advantage by maximizing the performance of employees. It indirectly contributes achieving the goals of organization. Whereas, Human Resource Management process is the term which implies selecting, recruiting, training, appraisals of employees, providing orientation, benefits, compensation, security & safety in compliance with labor laws of the particular country or government.
In this article we will shed light to the whole HRM Process & how it is important to manage an organization tactfully by maximizing its efficiency as a whole.
Human resource management process will be discussed in this segment, such as recruitment, selection of candidates, training, performance assessment, motivating, compensating, maintaining healthy relationship with employees, maintaining healthy work environment & compliance to labor laws.
1.Recruitment: Recruitment is one of the most significant part of the HRM process. Recruitment process of a company depends on the human resource management which issues recruitment notifications through websites, newspapers & articles. In other words, it is a process of inviting eligible candidates to join the organization through various modes.
Recruitments are of two types, internal & external. Internal recruitment is when the organization recruits candidates within its workforce. Whereas, external recruitment process refers when the company or organization recruits eligible candidates outside its workforce by issuing notification.
2.Selection: Selection is the second step of the HRM process in which, an organization selects candidates based on eligibility criteria which includes knowing particular work & having particular skill, education, attitude. All the candidates invited for recruitment may not get selected since the recruitment process includes various stages where one might get rejected. Selection process often includes two to three stages, such as preliminary interview, screening of applicants, employment tests, selection interview etc.
3.Training: Training comes after selection to boost the knowledge & updating the skill of the selected candidates for the requirement of particular job role. Optimizing cost & helping to maximize the efficiency of selected candidates is one of the prime roles of human resource management.The Human Resource Management Process helps to identify the training needs, preparing the training programme & implementing it & also preparing the learners.
Job training are of two types, on the job & off the job training. On the job training is the training which is provided at the workplace & with the equipment's which are at the office itself. It includes job rotation, coaching, job instruction through step by step or by assigning particular work.
Whereas, off the job training implies where selected candidates are trained away from the actual work floor with provided equipment's that are solely meant for training purposes. Candidates are required to learn the techniques & skills in this period in order to work efficiently on the actual work floor.
4.Assessing performance: Assessing performance of an employee is conducted through comparing the efficiency of the present employee & the standard which has already been set previously by the organization itself. The HRM also gives feedback to the employees so that they can improve themselves as per the requirement of the organization. Whereas, performance appraisal is the to determine whether the employees will be promoted or demoted.
The employees’ performance assessment can be done in two ways i.e. through traditional methods and modern methods. The example of the traditional methods are rating scale or a checklist method, where in technological advancement are not involved. Modern methods include behaviourally anchored rating scale, critical incident method, assessment centre method et cetera. The performance assessment boosts the Human Resource Management Process as a while.
5.Motivating: Motive is something that cause a person to act, in most cases, motivating comes under the clause when a person completes the task he will get a reward of fulfilment. The efficient Human Resource Management Process motivates & encourages employees to reach their maximum efficiency by giving their cent percent at work.
HRM often motivates employees to do better by giving them Rewards and Recognition & other benefits, such as different allowances & perks other than mentioned in the pay slips.
The rewards are often given in a non-financial way by giving best employees recognition for the work they have done for the company. Such as, annual or monthly awards.
6.Compensating: Before compensating the employees for their work, the HRM needs to assess the work carefully so that it doesn’t negatively impact the financial budget of the organization. The HRM process is the one segment of company which assess the gravity of compensation & manages compensation effectively, the management must be aware of the labour laws of the country in compliance with international labour organization.
7.Maintaining Labour Relations: Maintaining proper & healthy relationship with the employees is also a task of the HRM. The management develops the policies related to employee relations and ensures the application of company policies and procedures. They also take the responsibility of the employee-employer relationship dispute to resolve.
8. Healthy welfare & safety of employees: Human Resource Management Process has to ensure proper safety & healthy environment to work for the employees under law. Such as ensuring proper cleanliness, drinking water, latrines & urinals, spittoons, ventilation & temperature, disposal of waste & effluents, lighting, first aid appliances, washing, canteen, shelter, lunch room etcetera.
9. Compliance to labor laws: The labour laws such as mines act or minimum wages act etc. should be in accordance with the compliance. The HRM process incorporates not only the national labour laws, but also the international labour laws according to the industry as well as economic standards.
Lastly, we can conclude that, HRM is an important segment of a company through which new eligible workforce is recruited & trained. It also analyzes the performances of employees & provides appraisals & compensation to them. The Human Resource Management Process also ensures proper healthy & safe work environment to the workforce in compliance with labor laws. The HRM process also helps achieving maximizing efficiency of workforce by maintaining healthy employer-employee relationship. In short, we can say, it plays a crucial role in almost every aspect & contributes in the overall development of an organization.