Training strategy deals with how planned training is going to impact the organization futuristically. The major purpose of training in an organization is to achieve performance of its employees an all levels. But how the training and development department accomplish this depends upon many factors including management and supervisory style, organization climate, quality of the working environment, nature of the work etc. These factors will differ from one company to another. Thus the strategies call for will vary from one company to another bearing on the strategies adopted by the training department in consideration with organization goal and vision
The training plan is a practical document which brings together all the training needs derived from the business and manpower plans, the performance review system and any other recognized sources. The training plan module should provide guildelines and to what changes it should bring at organizational level. In some corporates, the training deparment also provide IDP (Individual Development plan) to employee and show the growth path through proper channel of learning and development .
A successful training function has to be built on teamwork. Not only should the training functionaries be aware of its aims in organizational terms but they should also recognize that each have a part to play requiring them to be fully committed to making training policies work. Therefore, it is said that creating this climate should be one of the training manager’s primary objectives.
While preparing the training strategies, it is important to address following issues closely through proper process and channel to determine the success of training programme / plans.
i. The first issue to be addressed is the reality of the training needs. If training is the solution, how should it be administered post training by the line manager and training dept. or Human resources
ii. Whether the problem needs to be addressed immediately
iii. Whether the cause of the problem is deficiency of the skill or knowledge or is it due to issue with boss or department
iv. Whether training is the only solution to resolve the performance gap or is there any issue which bothering employees which affect his performance. if No, then how the training will solve the problems
Hence, preparing the training strategy at macro and micro level is very challenging for training and development department. Because it involves direct and indirect cost to the company along with optimum utilization of resources and infrastructure of an organization.