Training and Development Plan

Training and Development Plan is basically the plan or schedule which management or higher authorities provide to get effective outcome of work. It helps to create effectivity and thus adds to the growth of the company.

Training and development improves skills, personality and performance. To choose the right training and development you need to realize what kind of training is required for your employees and how it will benefit the organization. In order to inspire the employees to take part in the training you need to properly explain or demonstrate how it will benefit them or how it may be helpful in their job role. Ones the training and development plan is chalked out it must be shared with the employees.

The outcome of the training must be flashed in employee’s self-development and appraisal process. Here in this section you can find some formats and samples schedule, which you may use to design your training and development plan.

Procedure: The development plan should be used as a tool for evolving a plan for the Employee’s personal and professional development. 

The development plan should go beyond nomination to training programs and should include specific actions and tasks that the Employee and his Manager will undertake for the Employee’s development. The responsibility for the fulfillment of the development plan is jointly shared by the Employee and his Department Head

1. ___________________________________________________________________

2. ___________________________________________________________________

3. ___________________________________________________________________

4. ___________________________________________________________________

5. ___________________________________________________________________

Actions Plans/Training and development Goals

(If applicable, summarize any specific projects, performance objectives, or training and development for the next review period)

1. ___________________________________________________________________

2. ___________________________________________________________________

3. ___________________________________________________________________

4. ___________________________________________________________________

5. ___________________________________________________________________



Detail any significant contribution outside your objectives during the Appraisal year.



Detail any significant factor (positive/negative) which has had an effect on your performance during the Appraisal year?

