Goal Setting for Performance Management Process

Goal setting is a powerful tool that can be used to motivate and challenge employees or organization. It is one of the important keys in performance management because it’s an instrument to measure performance on predefined objectives / goals.

Fully set goals are objectively determine have approximation idea whether or not the goals have been reached at time . Poorly set goals are not clear the result is frustration.

Hence goal setting can be used in every type of work place and with every level of employee.

Goal Framing

Goals can be framed in several different types of ways that affect how well people learn and perform. When goals are challenging, it is important to help people to frame them as a challenge from which they may learn, rather than a threat in which failure is foreseeable. The goal framings are standing on four important Pillars

Exhibit 1 

Goal Setting For Performance Management

1. Clarity

A clear goal is one that can be measured and leaves no room for misunderstanding. Goals should be very explicit regarding what behaviour is desired and will be rewarded. The clear goal reduces work order errors by 10-30% in general. It also create a system for ensuring that every team member is informed of changes in policy, changes in hours or other important informative i.e. it improves communication within team members.

2. Challenges

A goal should be challenging but must be achievable. By positively rewarding the achievement of challenging goals, would encourage employees to achieve more and meeting new milestones. At the time of  goal settings, it is most important to identify rewards and awards that are appropriate for the special achievement of challenging goals verses normal expectations.

3. Commitment

In order for gaols to be effective, they need to be agreed upon. The goal should be in line with the general established expectations as per role and l evel of an individual. The employee and employer of an organisation  must both are committed to using the resources needed to complete the goals and  what should also agree on what the reward will be.

4. Feedback

Goal setting will not be effective if there is not an opportunity for any feedback. Feedback is a chance to correct or clarify before the goal has been reached. Ideally, feedback is a type of progress reporting.That gives the managers the chances to clarify expectations and to adjust the level of difficulty to the achieving goals,  if it seems it’s too hard or too easy. For the employee of company, it provides a chance to make sure they are meeting their supervisor’s expectation and to get reorganization for what they have achieved up to this point. When the goal is complete to achieve , the manager can also conduct a formal feedback and acknowledgement  session so that employee can discuss his performance and improvement areas for future based performances.