How to Write a Permission Letter & What is the right Permission letter Format?

A permission letter is an official or formal letter written to seniors or managers asking for a certain grant like a leave. The person can write a permission letter for several purposes such as asking for leave to go on vacation, permission for a field visit by an employee, permission to visit a school, and so on.  This article will highlight and cover various aspects such as how to write a permission letter, points to cover in a correct permission letter format followed with the sample Template for example.

Usually, the request for a grant of favour is done to the higher authorities who hold the power to grant the request made. The language of the letter should be formal and simple; there should be the use of polite words that could depict the purpose of the letter.

4 Plus Permission Letter Sample Template For Example

Permission letter format

The following Points must be covered in a right permission letter format:

  1. Address: In a official letter, the official address of the company and the individual need to be mentioned in the proper place. It shows the seriousness and sincerity in writing the permission letter.

  2. Date: Date is one of the important elements of the permission letter. It helps to identify when the letter was written and sent to the authorities.

  3. Salutation: In a formal letter the people from higher positions are addressed by using ‘Dear’.

  4. Body: The body of the letter can be divided into two or more paragraphs. The first paragraph can be used to address the purpose of the letter and the next paragraph can focus on the details of the issue at hand.

  5. Scope of Permission letter: The body of the letter or second or third paragraphs in the permission letter format should be dedicated to writing the utility of the letter or purpose of it. It should state the reason for writing the letter which can be followed by explaining the reasons.

  6. Phone number: After writing the address at the end of the letter, the sender can mention their phone number, in case the receiver has some query.

  7. Signature: The name and signatures of the person sending the letter are important. And the full legal name of the person should be used.

Permission Letter Sample Template

Find various permission letter Sample template for example below as to understand and learn how to write a permission letter and these sample will help to compose a permission letter for leave and for other  purpose or occasion that you might want to attend. It’s an official way to permission and may ask issue an approval Letter or Authorization Letter from a higher authority as a token of permission granted officially. The given below permission letter format and Sample Letter Template prototype makes it much easier and clearer as it is a form  of requesting for permission is the best way to know how to write a permission letter. 

The Sample template format are easy to download in Word & PDF format and available for quick uses