Letter to enquiry officer narrates what a company requires and why. It’s a letter in which company ask their queries.
The enquiry officer is liable to give the answer to these queries.
____/HRD/____ Date: _________
Mr. / Ms _________________
Sir / Madam,
The Management team has issued a charge-sheet to one of the employees for his explanation. The explanation has been found unsatisfactory. The Management has chosen to hold an Enquiry by giving a chance to the reprobate representative to protect himself.
The company has decided to appoint you as an Enquiry Officer and we need your formal approval for this offer.
If you don't mind be guaranteed that the Management will expand full co-activity in this specific circumstance and Mr. /Ms_________________ has been selected as its delegate.
Thanking you,
Yours Sincerely,
For & on behalf of the Management
Authorized Signatory