Relieving Letter Format its Meaning with Reliving Letter Sample Template in Pdf & Word

The article below is all about “Relieving Letter” and includes  relieving letter meaning, relieving letter format and relieving letter request added with sample template in word and pdf format provided for  quick download and use and for easy understanding of the concept. It is an official document required by an employee while joining a new organization plays a significant role for an employee's future career prospects. It also acts as a summary record of the tenure of an employee for an employer.

Relieving Letter Meaning

It is illegal for a person to have more than one job at a time. An organization or a company issues this letter to an employee who has resigned from their post. The employee can also use it as proof for future employers.

Best Relieving Letter Format

Generally, the resignation letter should be to the point and brief. It should include the information when you are leaving. In the letter, you can appreciate your time with the organization. The language in the letter should be positive to avoid using any negative words in the letter. Consider the following while writing a letter.

  • The length of the letter should not be more than one page.

  • The letter's fonts should be traditional, like Arial or Times New Roman with a size of 10 to 12 points.

  • The letter should be a single space, and the space between each paragraph should be 1" margins, and the text should be aligned to the left.

  • Before mailing your letter, edit it.

Tips for creating a professional Relieving letter format

The following Points or tips are required to consider while writing relieving letter:

  • It should be issued on a company or an organization letterhead.

  • Generally, this is addressed to "To whomsoever it May concern" unless the employee has the specific person to be addressed.

  • It should reference the resignation letter of the employee and that the organization has accepted it.

  • On the relieving letter, the last post held by the employee should be mentioned.

  • The letter should talk positively about the employee and should give credit to his or her performance.

  • Date of joining and tenure of the employee needs to be mentioned in the letter.

  • It should end with a positive note and wishing success in their future endeavor.

  • It should be written in a simple English language, and it should be kept professional.

  • The letter should not have any slang words.

  • The best relieving letter format should be a letter of communication that will help the employee thrive in their future endeavors and not act as a roadblock in their career.

  • The letter should be issued only when the employee is leaving the organization; delay in doing so will dampen the employee's career pursuits.

A relieving letter or relieving order request is issued by an employee to the employer when they wish to leave the organization. Suppose the organization refuses to issue the relieving letter. In that case, it means that the resignation of the employee is not accepted, and he or she is still an employee of the organization.

How to Write a Relieving Letter Request to the Employer

Once as an employee if you have decided to quit your job, the professional thing is to submit a resignation letter, it will help ease the transition over the next two to four weeks at the job. It will also help you maintain a positive relationship with your employer even after many years after leaving the organization. Here are some tips for writing relieving letter request.

The relieving letter sample basically states to the new employer that the employee is not working in his or her previous organization and is not trying to work for two companies at the same time. It also prevents people from taking a holiday and try for other companies. The letter functions as a notification for the employee that their resignation has been accepted by the organization, and they are relieved of their current duties.

Relieving Letter Sample in Word & PDF format for Quick Learning

Find out below the best relieving letter format pdf and sample for example and speedy uses. That will help you to write your own relieving letter in a better manner & quickly.