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What Does Acknowledgment Mean?

Be it any piece of work for it to be successful, it is possible only when more minds work together and help each other. A project or a thesis requires guidance and help from a lot of people, and showing gratitude and appreciating their help in form of a letter or an article is known to be an Acknowledgment. Many might still be wondering about what does acknowledgment means. It is nothing but an act of acceptance of something or someone.

In this article we will be learning how to write acknowledgment for project and acknowledgment for thesis effectively. By the end of this article I am sure the reader might be clear about what does  acknowledgment mean and get an idea from the acknowledgment sample for project shared below.

How to Write Acknowledgment For Project and Thesis?

Focusing on the main purpose of the acknowledgment, it has to be a page offering thankful notes to those who provided supporting roles during the course of project or thesis. Since acknowledgment for thesis or project is an appreciation page, the overall representation has to avoid being strong and emotive and the people should be acknowledged as per the hierarchy.

The usage of pronouns has to vary from the overall project, one can use “I, ME, MY… etc” in the acknowledgment for thesis or project. Basically the main body of a project or a thesis has to be written in third person, but acknowledgment for project can be written in first and second person as and when required.

However every project or thesis is different from other and hence the vote of thanks can differ as well. Generally the names mentioned have to be professional and directly associated with the project, but there can be few exceptions where one can mention family and friends as well.

The above mentioned tips and rules can be understood clearly by the acknowledgment sample for project shared below.

Tips for Writing Acknowledgment For Thesis and Project

Appreciating one’s efforts in helping in the completion of a project or thesis is always a good thing to do. But there requires a decorum for writing an acknowledgment for project or an acknowledgment for thesis. They are mentioned in the points below.

  • First of all one must understand what does acknowledgment mean.
  • Secondly, it is suggested that one should know about how to write acknowledgment for project.
  • Decide who to be thankful to.
  • Coming to the technicalities, always state the full names of the people to be acknowledged in acknowledgment for project.
  • Use the pronouns in first person, singular or plural.
  • Always have a formal expression throughout the acknowledgment for thesis.
  • Be thankful to the funding body, which helped in completion of the project or the thesis.
  • Do not forget to identify the role played by each acknowledged person.
  • Everything will be clearly mentioned in the acknowledgment sample for project below.

Why Acknowledgment For Project and Thesis are Important?

Just like the main content of a project or thesis, acknowledgments are also an important part. As, working on a thesis or project requires months, sometimes years of hard work with the help of many people on the way to the culmination. An acknowledgment for thesis or project just helps in showing one’s gratitude towards the people who helped them complete the work and guided them on the right path.

It is also seen how well this person has been in touch with the right person at the right time to gather utmost information for their project or thesis. Their people’s skill and the ability to make connections can be judged by the acknowledgment for project or thesis they showcase.

Acknowledgment Sample for Thesis and Project

Although there is no set format for writing an acknowledgment for thesis or project, it can broadly be written either in prose format or a listed format. One can choose to write that in any given format as the acknowledgment section is a bit lenient compared to the remaining project or thesis.

Below mentioned are few of acknowledgment samples for project and acknowledgment sample for thesis, on how to address or start the topic.

“I would like to express my gratitude to my primary supervisor, Dr. Sheldon Cooper, who guided me throughout this project. I would also like to thank name (___) who supported me and offered deep insight into the study.
I wish to acknowledge the help provided by name (_____) and his support staff in the Economics department of the University of London. I would also like to show my deep appreciation to my lecturers and fellow classmates who helped me finalize my project.”

Some of the common phrases that can be used in the acknowledgment sample for thesis have been listed below.

  • I wish to show my appreciation….
  • I would like to thank…..
  • The assistance provided by Mr. Charlie Sheen was greatly appreciated…
  • I wish to extend my special thanks to….
  • I would like to thank the following people for helping me finalize the project….
  • Mr. Charlie Sheen offered valuable data and statistics which I used in my project…

The acknowledgment for thesis or project can sometimes act as a gateway to the thesis or the project. Hence, it is advised to showcase maximum sincerity in being grateful for other’s contribution and also impress the readers with the writing skills.

Acknowledgment Sample for Thesis

First and foremost, all praises and thanks to the Universe for its showers of blessings throughout my research work to complete it successfully.

I would like to express my deep and sincere thanks to my research supervisor (Name of the Professor___), (Designation and Institute’s name____), for giving me the opportunity to do research and providing invaluable guidance throughout the research. I am extremely grateful for her time and also the special thanks of gratitude to her family members for their acceptance and patience during the discussion that I had with her on this research and thesis preparation.

I am highly indebted to the faculty at (Name of the Faculty___), for their guidance and constant supervision as well as for providing all the necessary information that made this research work possible.

I would also like to express my special thanks to the distinguished members of the panel headed by (Name 1___) together with (Name 2__) and (Name 3___) for the approval of my work and exemplary recognition.

I thank my fellow lab mates in (Institute’s name___): (Team Members’ names___) for the stimulating discussions, for their acute observations, and for all the fun that we had in the course of working.

Last but not least, this thesis would not have been possible without the love and encouragement of my family. My heartfelt gratitude to my beloved parents for giving birth to me in the first place, and inspire me to pursue this understanding.

Thank You!



Acknowledgment Sample for Project

I would like to express my heartfelt gratitude to our Project guide (Name of the faculty), for his guidance and support which helped me create effective solutions to avoid hacking in Cloud Computing.

Any attempt at any level can't be satisfactorily completed without the efforts and support of my team members (Team members’ name____).

My sincere thanks also goes to (Name of the project Associates____) at (Name of the company or institution where the project is executed) for offering me the Summer Internship opportunities in their teams and leading me to work on diverse exciting projects.

I would also like to express my special thanks to the Computer Lab in-charge of (College’s Name____), (Name of the professor____) for providing me with all the facility that was required.

I also acknowledge with a deep sense of reverence, my gratitude towards my family and members of my family who always supported me morally and economically.

Last but not least, a huge thanks to all of my friends who supported me directly or indirectly to complete this project.

Any omission in this brief acknowledgment does not mean a lack of gratitude.

Thank You!



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