Payroll management used to be a headache for the HR department. It was a messy ordeal with various ledgers and rule books to be referred to, various departments to be consulted with and finally, the HR personnel would also need to face the wrath of the employees if some mistake was made.
However, since the digitization of the human resources department, dedicated payroll systems have been deployed to undertake payroll management duties. This has several advantages over the traditional pen and paper structure of yesteryears. For starters, savings in the pen and paper expenditure!
Jokes apart, payroll software has become such a staple of daily HR, that modern HR personnel simply cannot imagine managing employee payrolls without it. Hence, it is best to understand the advantages that dedicated payroll software has which makes it so effective in managing employee payrolls.
1. Accurately track employees’ attendance
Since the employee payroll is calculated based on their attendance and working hours, the payroll software helps in keeping an accurate track of the same. Modern payroll solutions even take the help of smartphones in ensuring that the employee is at the required location using GPS and cameras. This kind of system ensures that you have precise attendance data of your staff and calculate payrolls down to the minute. Moreover, it can also be used to track the exact overtime data as well as late comings, which makes it highly compelling for jobs where the clock-in and clock-out timings are not fixed.
2. Make error-free calculations
Making accurate salary calculations have been a bane for HR due to the various parameters required in its calculation and the human tendency of making errors. Right from calculating the exact working hours, to adding the required allowances and removing the mandatory deductions and taxes, it is a very complex process that involves multiple steps. However, with the help of payroll software, the entire process can be automated, thus making these calculations precise. This also has the additional benefit of saving the HR time which used to be spent in calculating these figures based on the different ledger data.
3. Automate statutory compliances
The statutory compliances have had an impact on the calculation of employee payroll since the advent of employment laws. There are lots of different legislations to be considered while deciding the payroll of an employee. On the other hand, it has to be competitive in the job market for recruiting talented employees. In this scenario, good payroll software will be able to showcase the projected salary figures for new designations, while also making the process smoother for exiting staff members. Moreover, any changes in the existing statutory laws can be easily implemented by simply updating it once in the system as the same will be reflected elsewhere.
4. Save time and money
As we have seen until now, payroll software not only helps in saving one’s time but also helps in being cost-effective. It also helps save money by lowering the costs associated with record-keeping, payslip distribution, etc. as well as eliminating the additional costs incurred due to incorrect calculations. Similarly, the calculations which used to take days and even weeks (in case of a higher variety of employees owing to different departments), can be completed within a day owing to the automated calculations done by the payroll software.
5. Create an efficient HR department
All of the factors that we discussed until now contribute to creating a better, more efficient HR department. Since most of the payroll-related actions can be automated in new payroll systems, they would be able to better utilize their time in developing employee engagement initiatives and other HR duties like training and development, conducting disciplinary, recruitment, maintain records and etc. This will also boost their morale, which will permeate into your employees leading to a highly engaged workforce. It is a well-known fact that an improvement in employee engagement has a direct improvement in their productivity. Hence, this kind of increased employee engagement will also have a positive impact on the overall employee productivity which is highly beneficial for any business.
6. Develop employee self-service
Another advantage of having a good payroll system is that it comes with a dedicated employee self-service (ESS) portal. ESS portals help in engaging the employees and helping them access their employment data whenever required. The employees will be able to view and edit any information such as their education details, past employment, details, etc. via the ESS portal. It also provides them easy access to view their leaves, annual holidays, etc. They can also solve their doubts irrespective of whether they are in their offices or homes; all the while, without disturbing their HR. The staff members can easily access their payroll data and download their system-generated payslips using modern payroll software. This leads to higher trust in the company due to the additional transparency which helps in employee retention.
7. Have one-click wage disbursement
Distributing employee wages is another feature of payroll software that makes it highly efficient than the older methods. The employee can choose at the time of their onboarding how they would like to receive their payments and it can also be changed later down the line. The employees would be able to choose whether they would like their wages deposited into their bank accounts or use payment cards or even have cheques issued. Similarly, the payroll system can be configured to send the payslip via registered email IDs to every employee to be more transparent with them. This harbours their trust as we saw in the last section.
As we have seen until now, dedicated payroll software enhances your business in ways, which goes much beyond the tangible savings in time and money. While making your payroll management more efficient, it also ensures that your employees are engaged. The application of AI in payroll systems will only improve it further in the coming years. With predictive analysis, machine learning and other features of artificial intelligence becoming a part of the payroll system, it is better to invest in good payroll software today to stay one step ahead of the competition.